Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Raids Kill Iranian-Supported Terrorists

Coalition troops detained 36 terrorists and killed nine others today during a series of raids in Baghdad and other areas in central and northern Iraq, officials reported.

Individuals detained in the Baghdad raid are believed to be involved in the transport of weapons and explosively formed penetrators from Iran to Iraq, as well as bringing militants from Iraq into Iran for terrorist training. Coalition forces also confiscated a number of documents, photographs and possible improvised explosive device components.

Intelligence reports indicate one of the detainees is a “special groups” senior-level terrorist facilitator with possible Iranian connections.

“The special groups network constitutes a significant threat to security and stability in Sadr City and other areas around Baghdad,” said Army Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, a Multinational Force Iraq spokesman. “We will continue to dismantle and degrade the special groups terrorist network, eliminating their ability to attack innocent Iraqis as well as Iraqi security forces and coalition forces.”

Coalition forces killed eight terrorists and detained 16 others during additional raids in and around Baghdad aimed at key leaders in the al Qaeda in Iraq network operating in central and northern Iraq.

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