Sunday, March 11, 2007

Don't tell the Surrender Monkeys - The Surge is Working

Reports from the ground and major news sources like The Economist, the Washington Post, other media and even Iraqi bloggers agree - the Surge is beginning to work.

Here are some indicators this week from Iraq the Model blog -

"Iraqi and American forces are increasing their presence in and around Sadr city. Today hundreds of American and Iraqi solders swept through Jamila district just north of Sadr city. They searched homes and shops without meeting any resistance."

"Violent incidents are still decreasing in number and impact in Baghdad."

"In contrast with previous operations to secure the city, this one is managing to not only keep the initial momentum, but the operation’s effects seem to be growing as well."

"We feel safer about moving around in the city now than we did a month before."

Are things still bad? Yes - but the surrender monkeys Biden, Hagel, Levin, Murtha and others aiding and comforting the Iraq insurgency have not succeeded in defeating the brave Iraqi, US and other coalition fighters yet.

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