Sunday, January 28, 2007

Clinton, Biden, Hagel, Levin and others - Treason?

Senator Joe Lieberman asked Lt. Gen. Patraeus during confirmation hearings this week whether Senate resolutions condemning the Iraq surge "would give the enemy some aid and comfort" - the response? "That's correct, sir."

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said this week that evidence of "flagging will" emboldens the enemy.

It's time to recognize this situation for what it is - some of our Senators are ignoring their own resolution on Iraq and providing aid and comfort to the enemy - thereby potentially committing treason.

As defined in Article Three of the Constitution treason is levying war against the United States or "in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

No U.S. citizen, even an all-powerful Senator is above the Constitution - and they took an oath to uphold it.

Worse yet - some of these folks VOTED for war.


Anonymous said...

Finally, someone has spoken the truth! Our senators are committing treason, plain and simple.


Anonymous said...

Agreed, I would also call it treason. Its a strong accusation but you have to call it what it is.

John Q said...

It's a strong accusation for sure - but they are treasonous actions.

John Q